So, this happened today.
For real.
While listening to a John Grisham novel (The Litigators) I realized I’d just asked the Lord to comfort a family who’s child was suffering in the hospital with lead poisoning.
And then I remembered it was fiction.**slaps hand over face and shakes head**
And felt silly.
But decided it would make a good meme 😉
And admitted that I’m probably not alone.
What goofy thing have you done in response to a good story? Don’t leave me hangin’!
Exactly! And I re-read my own stories to spend time with them again. 🙂
And…I had to approve this comment. Apparently I haven’t fixed the problem ?
If you are going to call me a name, it might as well be Bibliophile!?
Yes, I agree!
So here’s my real comment:
I threw Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix across the room.
I wondered what the characters in Once an Eagle where doing.
I feel like I’ve lost my best friends every time I read Lord of the Rings.
Does that count?
Of course! And I feel I’ve lost my BFF when I finish the Chronicles of Narnia. I guess that’s why we have to write…to make more friends 🙂
Testing, testing . . . 1, 2, 3.