Creatures that once roamed the Garden of Eden have dwelled in a realm of their own since the Great Flood. The Tethered World has been home to legendary creatures such as Gnomes, Trolls, and Dwarves for thousands of years. Certain families have been designated to keep watch over the happenings in this place.
Cracks and fissures in our earth—and even certain caves—have allowed the occasional visitor to meander Topside, back to our world. Because of this there are stories told of Leprechauns, Yetis, Elves, and more in most cultures around the world. You’ve probably heard tell of them in folklore and read about these creatures in literature.
Now you know why.
Now . . . you should probably take a second look when you think you see something in the shadows.
Want to learn more? Explore the links below!
Dragons | Sasquash | Dwarves | Gnomes | Typifying Topside | Tethered Travels